Neighborhood Evacuation Maps & Routes

In times of emergency, an updated Evacuation Map will be found here

The City of Laguna Beach is broken down into 22 different Evacuation Management Zones. Each zone has a specific evacuation map which can be found by link the links below. The City recommends you download, print, and become familiar with your evacuation routes.

Neighborhood Evacuation Maps & Terminology

1. Arch Beach Heights

2. Balboa Nyes

3. Canyon Acres

4. Bluebird Canyon

5. Boat Canyon

6. Big Bend

7. Ceanothus

8. Club Laguna

9a. North Coast

9b. Central Coast

9c. South Coast

10. Downtown

11. El Toro

12. Emerald Bay

13. Irvine Cove

14. Mar Vista

15. Old Top of the World

16. Park Avenue

17. Sunset

18. Temple Hills

19. Top of the World

20. Wesley

Evacuation Terminology

Evacuation Order

 An Evacuation Order means there is an imminent threat to life and property. People and their pets in the Evacuation Order area should evacuate now, without delay. Failure to evacuate may result in physical injury or death, a future opportunity to evacuate may not exist, and resources to rescue them may not be available.

  • LBPD orders all persons and their animals in the designated evacuation area(s) to immediately relocate to safer locations.
  • Risk of loss of life and property is extreme and imminent.
  • Evacuation is mandatory.
  • Persons refusing to comply with an immediate evacuation order will not be forcibly removed from their homes but cannot expect rescue or other lifesaving assistance once the incident is underway.

Evacuation Warning
During events with notice or other slowly unfolding incidents where advanced warning is available, there may be situations where Evacuation Warnings are warranted. Evacuation Warning means that there is a potential threat to life and property and preparations should be made if an Evacuation Order is issued. Individuals with access or functional needs should consider leaving now. If at any time you feel threatened, action should be taken to leave for a safe area.

  • LBPD urges persons and their animals in the evacuation area(s) to relocate to safer locations.
  • Those with access and functional needs and those with large animals should leave now.
  • Loss of life and property is a risk but is not imminent.
  • Personal discretion whether to evacuate is allowed but not advised.
  • If at any time a person feels threatened, evacuate immediately; do not wait for an official notification.

Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan Template

The goal of creating a Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan is to ensure that Laguna Beach communities have the resources to prepare their neighborhoods, homeowner's associations and businesses for unexpected disasters. Developing a comprehensive Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan provides the necessary foundation to organize your family, a neighborhood or business.