All new construction and major remodel (as defined by Municipal Zoning Code) projects that are within the FM Zone (as designated by City GIS) are required to comply with the 2019 Laguna Beach Fire Department Landscape/Fuel Modification Standards and Maintenance Program (L/FMSMP).  The document is a guideline on firewise planting to provide protection for occupants and the structure from an approaching wildfire.  A Memorandum on application of the L/FMSMP also provides an explanation on the development of the document.   See copy of the L/FMSMP with Memorandum below.

NOTE:  Review and inspections for all single family homes, duplexes, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) is conducted by the Building Division of the Community Development Department.  This includes associated fire protection systems (sprinklers, alarms) and fuel modification.  Please contact them for more information.


Fuel Modification Guideline & Memorandum