
We control runoff from City streets and hardscape to our storm drains. By law, Laguna Beach must

  1. adopt regulations to prevent polluted runoff
  2. implement programs that promote architectural features that reduce runoff from new development
  3. inspect existing developments and construction sites for runoff pollution
  4. educate the public on how to reduce runoff.

Diversion Units

We protect Laguna Beach's coastline and recreational ocean water with 25 "diversion units" throughout the City. They're like big strainers to sift trash and debris out of water that would continue on to the ocean. Once it catches that gunk it diverts it into the sewer system. Get it? Diversion units divert.

Regulatory Compliance

Much of what we do is regulated by the Federal government and the State of California including our Clean Water Compliance Programs, Water Quality Improvement Plan Development (WQIP) Laguna Beach's Local Implementation Plan (LIP/JRMP).