Coast Hwy 2020-1 Boundary MapProject Goals

  • Underground all utility poles and overhead wires (including overhead street light wiring) within the project boundary
  • Any properties connected to the poles and wires being removed will receive underground connections and meter panel conversions on private property at no cost to the property owner
  • Remove the existing street lights and install new ornamental street lights. It is likely that the aesthetic design for the new street lights will be vetted during the public design review process with the Planning Commission for the Coast Highway Underground Utility District 2019-1 (Agate Street to Arch Street) which is in the design phase now.

Project Funding

Funding for the electrical undergrounding is provided by the City through the City’s previous purchase of Rule 20A credits from surrounding cities and held in the City’s account balance at Southern California Edison. Funding for the Street light design and construction is from the Street Lighting Fund. Property owners in the proposed area will have no cost towards reestablishing any necessary connections on private property. The estimated Preliminary Cost is approximately $7 million ($4.4 million of Rule 20A credits and $2.6 million Street Lighting Fund).

What Can Property Owners Do?

  • Participate (optional) in the Planning Commission design review process of the projects above-ground structures such as transformers and street lights
  • Allow inspections on your property for the design of connections to the new system
  • Be aware of potential construction impacts (traffic, delays, etc.)
  • Allow construction of improvements on your property that only pertain to your property connections such as: conduits for electric, phone and cable, electrical connections, and the replacement of landscape and hardscape 


  • Southern California Edison anticipates construction to begin in Q1 2025
