Properly designed and installed outdoor night lighting can benefit everyone by increasing safety, enhancing the city’s nighttime character and providing security. These benefits must be balanced with the fact that outdoor lighting that is improperly designed and/or installed can create problems of excessive glare, light trespass, and higher energy use. Excessive glare can be annoying and may cause safety problems. Light trespass can reduce a sense of privacy.

What can I do about my neighbors' bright lighting?

  • Any adjacent neighboring property owner affected by  glare and trespass shall first discuss the concern with the owner of the light fixture in person or via written correspondence. See this sample letter to help you address the concern with your neighbor.
  • The owner of the lighting fixture shall have 90 days to comply.
  • If the light fixture owner fails to comply, please file a service request and include a copy of the written correspondence, and if possible, a photograph of the lighting fixture. Please note: the filing of service requests shall be limited to adjacent neighboring property owners directly impacted by light trespass.