DSP Phase II Update

The Downtown is the focus of the City's social, cultural, civic, artistic and recreational activities. The primary objective of the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) is to preserve and enhance the unique character of the downtown. The City Council adopted a Phase I update to the DSP in 2020, which most notably addressed business permitting and parking standards. Phase II will have a primary focus on changes intended to increase infill housing opportunities, including greater potential for upper-level housing over ground-floor commercial space. Key changes are likely to include new allowances for second and third floor building additions, changes to the maximum residential density requirements, and provisions to merge parcels for affordable housing projects. 

Housing Regulations 

New regulations are being developed to implement State housing law and the City's Housing Element, including provisions related to density bonuses, single-room occupancy units, transitional and supportive housing, low barrier navigation centers, reasonable accommodations, and lot consolidations for senior and affordable housing projects. The amendments would also reduce barriers to infill housing development (e.g., second-floor residential additions) by modifying the development standards and parking requirements for the residential component of mixed-use projects in the City's non-Downtown commercial zones. The City is also preparing an update to the inclusionary housing policy, which requires the creation of affordable units when certain multifamily housing projects are constructed, or payment of an in-lieu housing fee.

Public Meetings